Wednesday, August 5, 2009


As you can tell from my videos lately Griffin has been talking a lot. He now probably says about 15 words, and I can't wait until he can start putting some words together. I also like how he "answers" questions now. When asked a question he will shake his head no for no and nod his head and say "mm-hmm!" for yes. We go through this every night when I ask him if he wants to read a certain book. We must read at least 10-15 books every day and he is starting to show preferences (ones with trucks, animals, buses, or ones that have a song in them). Another milestone he hit last week is that he no longer eats baby food. Mealtimes are a lot easier now, he just eats whatever we eat. I made tuna-noodle casserole yesterday and he had some for lunch and then when he saw it was for dinner he said "mmmmmmm". Makes me feel like a great chef!

1 comment:

The Palmer Family Blog said...

Clever little stinker! That is a cute video!