Tuesday, February 10, 2009

9 month check-up

Griffin had his 9 month check-up yesterday at the doctor's. He was 17 lbs and 11 oz (15th %) and 27 inches (10th %) and in the 50th % for head size. Needless to say, he is a little guy, but nothing to be worried about. He is doing everything a nine month old should be doing developmentally. He is making tons of consonant sounds (m, b, d are favorites), is crawling like crazy (you put him down in one room and he's in another within a few minutes), he waves (he even waves when you put his shoes on now b/c he knows it means we are going "bye-bye"), he is picking things up with his fingers (pincer grasp), he pulls himself up to standing and he cruises around holding onto furniture. Actually, this morning I put him down in the middle of our bedroom while getting dressed and he crawled to his play table, stood up, held onto the table, took a step towards a chair, grabbed the chair, walked around to the other side of the chair, reached for the vanity, and walked all the way around the vanity and then sat down when he reached his destination (electric outlet-its covered grandma). I just stood there in shock!
At the appt, the doctor informed me he had an ear infection, which also shocked me. A warning from the little guy would have been nice. He had shown no symptoms :) So he is on antibiotics for that and taking iron drops now too since he is still exclusively breastfed and a little low on iron. Overall, the appt went well!

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